Introductory workshop in science illustration + NBS contact meeting


Park Hotel, Voss


22-23 January 2020 (science illustration)
+ 23-26 January (NBS contact meeting)

Registration Workshop: HERE

Registration NBS contact meeting: HERE

Early bird registration deadline for both events: 30 November
If the places in the workshop have filled up at the early bird deadline, there will not be an extended deadline for the workshop.
NORBIS PhD student members get reasonable travel and housing expenses covered and NORBIS postdoc members can apply for travel grant.



There is a limited amount of places at this workshop, and all are reserved PhD students or postdocs also attending the Norwegian Biochemical Society Contact Meeting. The research school will cover all costs for those receiving a place in the illustration workshop: Travel, accommodation (in double rooms, 21-26 January), and registration fee for the contact meeting. You will receive a notification whether you are accepted for the workshop or not, after the deadline of 30 November.

Course content

This course will introduce the theory and method of how to visually represent your scientific research. Being able to translate complex research into information that can be understood by a wide range of audiences is an important skill that will help you throughout your career. Communicating your work using different methods than writing, drawings for example, forces you to think about your work from different angles. So, another major part of this course is training yourself to look at your research from different perspectives. Not only will this help you understand your own work better, but it will give you the tools to be able to explain your work to others. The skills you will learn in this course are highly transferable to any design project you may do in the future.

Through lectures and workshops, we will cover the following:

  • Principles of design and visual communication
  • How to apply these principles to illustration and graphic design, which in turn will inform all visual material you might want to create, including; graphical abstracts, powerpoint presentations, posters, graphs, data visualisations, project logos, animations and outreach material.
  • Introduction to sketching
  • Step by step method on how to draw your own research
  • Crash course in digital illustration with mandatory pre-course digital tutorials

By the end of the course, you will have practiced the theory and methods discussed in class by creating an illustration of your own research.

Note: Completing the digital illustration tutorials before the course begins is mandatory. It is important that you come prepared because we are covering a lot of new skills in a short time and it will be beneficial for you if you already have a foundation to work from.

Course teacher

Pina Kingman is an award-winning animator and filmmaker, focusing on telling scientific and medical stories so that the information is accessible to any audience. In addition to teaching scientific illustration courses to young scientists, she is developing art exhibitions, film screenings and public talks with the intention to inspire the general public to take an interest in science. Overall, Pina hopes to help make science-education a little less daunting and a bit more fun.


Research school coordinator:
NBS contact meeting: Marte Flydal