NORBIS 6th Annual Conference

Dates: November 3-4, 2020

Venue: Link to digital meeting will be provided to the participants prior to the conference.

Registration: closed

IMPORTANT: Registration deadline for meeting up personal on the local conference is expired. If you like to join the meeting online, you are welcome to do so.

If you just like to follow the talks online, you can follow the meeting here.


Location for local meetings:

Trondheim: Scandic Lerkendal, dinner at Frida



Bodø: Nord University, room 3003. Dinner at Roast Restaurant, Tollbugaten 5.

Tromsø: UiT, Biology building, meeting room 2.058, dinner at Suvi



Due to the Covid-19 situation we have had to be creative and arrange the 6th Annual NORBIS Conference in a different way than originally planned. This year we will organize the conference as a hybrid meeting over one and a half days. We plan for the meeting to be streamed online and the different partner institutions arrange a local gathering for those who will/can meet in person. We also want to encourage supervisors and other researchers to join our meeting, both to facilitate discussion across several levels of experience, to inspire our students, and to increase your own national network.

The local gatherings require that each partner institution have a local organization committee of 2-4 PhD students/postdocs who is responsible for finding a suitable location for the meeting, for setting up the technology for the local speakers and for showing the Zoom lectures on a big screen, and for arranging lunch on Nov 3 and 4 and dinner on Nov 3. The local committee is also responsible for ensuring Covid-19 hygiene and social distancing.


Invited speakers:

Oscar Rueda, University of Cambridge

Iain Johnston, University of Bergen

 Solveig Engebretsen, Norwegian Computing Center


Preliminary program (subject to changes)

Click on the keynote speakers in the program for abstract.


Tuesday November 3rd

09.00-09.10    Welcome by Mette Langaas, Head of NORBIS board                                

09.10-10.10    “Doing science with models and data: how cellular powerhouses evolve and adapt” – Keynote lecture by Iain Johnston, University of Bergen

10.10-10.30    Coffee break

10.30-12.00    Student presentations. Schedule and abstracts here.

12.00-13.15    Lunch

13.15-14.15    “Spatial modelling of COVID-19 in Norway” – Keynote lecture by Solveig Engebretsen, Norwegian Computing Center

14.15-14.30    Coffee break

14.30-14.45    BARI funding scheme – Writing a funding application as a PhD student by Sophie Fisher, University of Bergen

14:45-15:00    ISCB RSG-Norway – International Society for Computational Biology Regional Student group in Norway

15.00-16.00    Poster presentations


18.00-20.00    Local dinners


Wednesday November 4th


09.30-10.30    “Dynamics of breast cancer relapse”Keynote lecture by Oscar Rueda, University of Cambridge

10.30-10.45    Coffee break

10.45-12.15    Student presentations 2

12.15-12-30    Closing remarks

12.30-13.30    Lunch


Student talks and posters

We invite master students, PhD students and post-docs to present their research project during the annual meeting. This is a great opportunity to get feedback from fellow students and group leaders within bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology. The talks will be of a duration of 15 minutes with additional 5 minutes time for questions and discussion. We will arrange a feedback committee for each session. As we have a limited number of sessions available for student talks during the meeting, we will select those who are invited to give a talk and expect that the rest will bring a poster instead. We will have one poster presentation. We plan for local poster sessions to increase interaction with local participants. We also like all poster presenters to make a short video (maximum 2 minutes), presenting your poster. How you like to present it, is up to you. These videos will be available at a password protected website for all participants and will be deleted two days after the conference. Those who are presenting their posters online, will give a 2 min flash talk about their poster.


The conference is open for everyone. Since this conference is streamed, we will not cover travel and accommodation costs for participants.


About the conference

The NORBIS school organises an annual conference for all members. The conference aims at bringing together students and researchers, fostering collaboration between groups. The participants will learn about each others’ research, discuss science, be inspired by keynotes from leading researchers, and improve their scientific network. In particular the meeting gives an opportunity for the students to work on their presentation skills as each student gets feedback on her/his presentation from an appointed panel.