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On this page we will present our PhD members that have their dissertations coming up. If the dissertation is streamed we will also link to the live streaming. We like to keep the list as updated as possible and we need your help to do so.



Upcoming dissertations

Chiara Fantinato

Dissertation: 04.11.2024 – 13.15

Location: Gamle festsal, Domus Academica, Urbygningen, Karl Johans gate 47

Title of thesis: “Implications of background and environmental DNA on activity level evaluation of DNA traces collected at the crime scene”.

External link to event here.

Summary: Human DNA can be transferred to surfaces, individuals, disperse into the air and settle in household dust. Forensic scientists must consider the implications of DNA transfer at a crime scene, as DNA traces unrelated to a crime may be detected. This PhD thesis investigated DNA transfer between individuals and the environment, with the aim of providing novel data, knowledge and methods to aid activity level evaluation of DNA evidence. Samples were recovered from various sources: an individual’s neck, air, dust and surfaces in indoor environments. It was demonstrated that non-self DNA accumulates on the neck over the course of 24 h. Furthermore, novel methods were developed to collect and isolate human DNA from indoor air and dust. It was shown that DNA profiling from air and dust samples can help to identify recent and past occupants of a premises. Finally, integrating data from eDNA samples collected from surfaces, air, and dust was found to provide valuable information to assess complex DNA transfer events. This research work advances the understanding of DNA transfer and introduces the potential use of human eDNA as an investigative tool in forensic genetics.