This course aims to prepare young researchers to be supervisors either at an early supervisor stage or before entering the role and is tailored for young researchers in biotechnology. This three-day intensive course aims to prepare young researchers to be supervisors either at an early supervisor stage or before entering the role. It is tailored for young researchers in biotechnology and will consist of lectures, group work, and discussions. The course is organized by the Digital Life Norway Research School.
Time and place: Apr. 12, 2023–Apr. 14, 2023, Valberg Slektsgård outside of Trondheim.
Maximum 20 participants.
Registration is directly through DLN research school web page. Click here for more information and registration.
NORBIS will fund our members to participate and it is first come, first serve. For this course, both PhD students and posdocs are eligible to receive travel funding. To obtain the funding, both PhD students and postdocs have to send a verification of attendance and travel budget including tickets to NORBIS will cover the overnight stay for the course, and this expense is not needed for the budget, only your travel to Trondheim. You can receive up to NOK 2500 for the round trip (travelling to/from Tromsø and Bodø allows for a higher limit), and if you cannot find tickets within our rates, please explain this in your application. Take care of the environment and travel by train whenever possible.