Time: October 9-12, 9 am-4pm
Place: University of Bergen
Course responsible: Dr. Rajesh Shigdel and Prof. Leo Lathi
Registration form: Closed
Program: This course provides an introduction to microbiome data integration and analysis with R/Bioconductor, a popular open-source environment for scientific data analysis. The training covers standard steps of biomedical data analysis covering microbiome data resources, data access, exploration, analysis, visualization, reproducible reporting, and best practices in open science.
Target audience: PhD, Postdoc, and researchers who wish to develop their skills in microbiome data science.
Recommended previous knowledge: Familiarity with R and microbiome research.
Outcome: The participants get an overview of the reproducible data analysis workflow for Microbiome Data Analysis, with a focus on recent examples from published microbiome studies. After the course you will know how to organize multiple data sources into a coherent framework, implement reproducible data science workflows, and approach common data analysis tasks in microbiome research by utilizing available documentation and R tools.