Welcome to the 3rd annual meeting of NORBIS 8-10 November!

  You are all invited to join the third annual conference of NORBIS, which will take place November 8-10, at Sommarøy Arctic Hotel outside Tromsø.   The conference aims at bringing together students and researchers, fostering collaboration between groups. The participants will learn about each others’ research, discuss science, be inspired by keynotes from leading researchers,…Continue reading Welcome to the 3rd annual meeting of NORBIS 8-10 November!

Workshop on ‘Causal methods relevant for registry-based health research’

Want to learn more about health registry research?  The Health Registries for Research (HRR) infrastructure project gives a workshop on ‘Causal inference in health registry research’ in Oslo 30 Nov-1 Dec, and NORBIS will support travel and accommodation for members who want to participate. You may read more and register here (registration is open until the seats…Continue reading Workshop on ‘Causal methods relevant for registry-based health research’

Learn how to build your academic CV and write successful project proposals

To successfully continue with an academic career there are many specific skills you will need to acquire and common pitfalls to avoid. How can you succeed with your project proposals, how to find that right project idea and what is important to remember, already during your PhD, when it comes to developing your CV? Join…Continue reading Learn how to build your academic CV and write successful project proposals

Nature Masterclass; workshop on scientific writing, 21-22 June

NORBIS is happy to offer the opportunity to attend a Nature Masterclass workshop on scientific writing, in Fredrikstad 21-22 June. The training is delivered by editors from selected relevant journals from the Nature Publishing Group, and aims to help institutions and laboratories support their researchers in writing research papers. This high-level writing course is a collaboration between…Continue reading Nature Masterclass; workshop on scientific writing, 21-22 June

New workshop: Network science meets omics data in Bergen 23-25 August

We are very happy to announce a workshop entitled ‘Network Biology/Integromics Bioinformatics – Applications Towards Medicine’, to take place in Bergen 23-25 August. During this workshop, world leading experts in the field will teach you how network science meets omics data, give you an introduction to graph theory, an overview of different types of biological…Continue reading New workshop: Network science meets omics data in Bergen 23-25 August