To present some of the work done related to the novel disease Covid_19, NORBIS is arranging a webinar mini-series. First lecture is May 27th at 12.30. The lecturer is Kyrre Lekve from Simula Research Laboratories and topic is “Smittestopp”. Kyrre Lekve is Deputy Managing Director at Simula Research Laboratories and also member of the NORBIS…Continue reading NORBIS Covid_19 webinar mini-series
Author: ragna
International exchange report from Xiaokang Zhang
With the support of NORBIS, I visited Professor Bernhard Palsson’s group, Systems Biology Research Group, in University of California, San Diego, USA, from September 2019 to February 2020. The original plan was actually from May to November 2020, but my application of the US visa was pending in the so-called “administrative process” for four…Continue reading International exchange report from Xiaokang Zhang
Towards in Silico-Guided Clinical Trials in Cancer
The workshop Towards in Silico-Guided Clinical Trials in Cancer to be held in Oslo, 15-16 May 2019 at Scandic Holmenkollen Hotel. We bring together experts in systems medicine, mathematical oncology and bioinformatics to discuss novel concepts for personalise cancer medicine. Check the workshop website for more details and for registration: Confirmed speakers: Robert A. Gatenby, Moffitt Cancer Center, USA…Continue reading Towards in Silico-Guided Clinical Trials in Cancer
Report from exchange to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Report from exchange to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Thanks to NORBIS I got the unique opportunity to experience a different laboratory in Switzerland for 6 months. First, upon arrival in Switzerland it took some time to organize everything before being able to start experiments. However, as soon as everything was in place the…Continue reading Report from exchange to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Zhi Zhao’ research stay at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Developing new Bayesian models in London I am a PhD student at the Department of Biostatistics of the University of Oslo. I had stayed in London for four months funded by the NORBIS, as a visiting PhD student with the group of Dr. Alex Lewin, who is Associate Professor in Biostatistics at the Department…Continue reading Zhi Zhao’ research stay at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
By: Anna-Simone Josefine Frank I’m currently a PhD student at the School of Pharmacy (UiO) with a background in mathematics. A travel grant from NORBIS, for which I’m grateful, enabled me to spend six months (January to June 2018) as Visiting Fellow at Cornell University in New York, USA. My main affiliation at Cornell was…Continue reading VISITING FELLOW AT THE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL STATISTICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, CORNELL UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, USA