Deadline: NORBIS Summer School 2018
'Robust and reproducible practices in bioinformatics programming', Oslo 6-10 August. Read more and register here
Your academic career: building your academic CV and writing successful project proposals
University of Oslo , NorwayTo successfully continue with an academic career there are many specific skills you will need to acquire and common pitfalls to avoid. How can you succeed with your project proposals, how to find that right project idea and what is important to remember, already during your PhD, when it comes to building up your CV?…Continue reading Your academic career: building your academic CV and writing successful project proposals
NORBIS summer school 2018
University of Oslo , NorwayRobust and reproducible practices in bioinformatics programming. Read more and register here
Deadline: Bioinformatics methods for next generation sequencing analysis
Read more and register here
Deadline: Propose a course or workshop for NORBIS
Do you carry an idea for a course that falls within our fields? Check out this page to prepare a proposal for NORBIS and submit it by September 28.
Genome sequencing technologies, assembly, variant calling and statistical genomics
University of Oslo , NorwayFor more information and registration see HERE
Scientific illustration
University of Bergen , Norwaytba
Modern methods for analyzing survival and time to event data (IMB9335)
University of Oslo , NorwayModern methods for analyzing survival and time to event data (IMB9335) Course dates: December 9-13, 2019 Information and registration HERE
Population genomics
North University - BodøPopulation genomics Time: 9-13th March 2020 at North University, Bodø. Registration opens December 1st. More info HERE.
Summer school 2022
University of Bergen , NorwayClick here for more information and registration.
Logical modelling of (inter) cellular networks for biotechnology and personalised medicine
NTNU Trondheim, NorwayClick here for more information and registration.
Bioinformatics Methods for next Generation Sequencing Analysis
NTNU Trondheim, NorwayClick here for more information and registration.
Genome sequencing technologies, assembly, variant calling and statistical genomics
University of Oslo , NorwayClick here for more information and registration.
Course: Modern methods for analyzing survival and time to event data (IMB9335)
University of Oslo , NorwayModern methods for analyzing survival and time to event data (IMB9335) Click here for more information and registration.